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Say hello to the leaders of Refuge Church

Refuge cherishes the history and experience of our leaders.

We aim to provide a familiar, yet challenging environment to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ

Our Team


Rich Riche

Senior Pastor

As a descendant of a lengthy line of pastors, I have been in ministry, along with my wife, Pam, for over 30 years. I cherish the opportunity to teach the Bible using a true expository preaching style, meaning I choose to reveal God by using God's own words, not interpreting through my experiences or others. I stand behind the truth that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that the Holy Spirit has the power to change lives. I promise to lead, encourage, and mentor with an evangelist's spirit.


As a member of the FCA, (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) we outreach to coaches and students in high school and college to share Christ with the local community.


Keith Wilson

Children's Pastor

I accepted the role of Children's Pastor in 2020, but my experience with children is not limited to that. As a former resident of Persia, Iowa, I drove the special education route for the Tri-Center school system for 23 years. During that time, I developed skills that help me have fun, teach, and communicate well with kids. I have a genuine passion for Jesus and want the kids I teach to fully understand Jesus' love for them; not only in a fun upbeat way, but also in the Truth.


In addition to the work I do with kids, I also help with the worship team and tech/media department.


Kevin Fleming

Associate Pastor

As I have been in service to the Lord for over 40 years, I have a passion to disciple children, youth, and adults to become mature in their personal relationships with Jesus Christ.


I am an active teacher, study leader, counselor, and mentor. I have a deep desire to share the Gospel in what I call "The Shoe Leather of Life". Walking out Biblical truths with practical application for today's world.


Dwayne Riche

Assistant Pastor

Fitness Leader

As a life-long resident of Council Bluffs, I served 31 years in law enforcement for the Pottawattamie county sheriff's office.


I have been actively involved with Refuge Ministries since it's inception in 1996, and was ordained through the ministry as an associate pastor in 2005.


I serve by participating in the worship team, conducting conditioning and fitness classes and leading Bible study on weekdays. I also coordinate events inside Refuge Ministries and other external events, such as music and cycling.


I believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God and that He came and died for the salvation of all who call upon His name for redemption.

Refuge Church
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